VI am currently a doctoral student in the computational science joint doctoral progrom. I am advised by Prof. Xiaobai Liu and Prof. Xiaohui Xie. I earned my bachelor degree in Tsinghua University. My current researches are about computer vision, bioacoustics, and machine learning.
Research Advisor(s)
Xiaobai Liu and Xiaohui Xie
Research Abstract
My most recent publication is “Learning Sample-Specific Policies for Sequential Image Augmentation”, which presents a framework to augment image classifications dataset by reinforcement learning. The agent will predict a sample-specific sequence of transformations on each sample, and it learns by the rewards from an trained classifier for exploring difficult samples.
My other works includes a deep-learning based method for whale whistle extraction, GAN-based method for whale whistle augmentation, and a consistency regulated deep learning model training scheme for image homography estimation.